The oldest civilization was in Bulgaria

The basrelief of Madara Rider – a Bulgarian national symbol.© Svik at Bulgarian Wikipedia
The basrelief of Madara Rider – a Bulgarian national symbol.© Svik at Bulgarian Wikipedia

“Mysterious virtual triangles connect the holy sites in the land of the Balkan country Bulgaria. Exact proportions and distances can be observed between our ancient sanctuaries,” researcher Hristo Smolenov says.

„Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we are heirs of such an ancient civilization, which at the same time was so advanced that it build giant mounds as landmarks. And that it was also able to create the masterpieces of the Varna necropolis, to produce over 1000 tons of pure copper in the mines of Stara Zagora and to lay the foundations of geometry 7 millennia ago.

There is proof of it not only in the gold standards of Varna, but also in a network of sacred sites located on great, precisely measured distances“, he says.

The researcher and his colleagues claim that it was the Varna mother – civilization where the system of units of Ancient Egypt and Sumer originated. The famous royal cubit – the measure, which was used for building the pyramids of Giza, can be found 2000 years earlier in reference objects from the Varna necropolis.

The same applies to the so-called Nippur cubit – the main unit of Sumer. According to Smolenov it is possible that the Egyptian measure of length – „het“ (100 royal cubits)was used before its time. He discovers the same unit in the giant triangle between the Varna necropolis, the archaeological reserve Sboryanovo near Sveshtari and Veliki Preslav.

The virtual triangle turns out to be Pythagorean – right-angled and with aspect ratio 3: 4: 5. One end is at the Varna necropolis, the other at the complex Sveshtari, and the third – in the ruins of Veliki Preslav. Although they are from different eras, these monuments were always built on ancient sacred places.

Hristo Smolenov demonstrates the mysterious triangle in the ratio 3: 4: 5.  ©
Hristo Smolenov demonstrates the mysterious triangle in the ratio 3: 4: 5. ©

How is it possible that the Bulgarian ancestors had such geometric knowledge 40 centuries before the birth of Pythagoras and 20 centuries before the construction of the pyramids?

So far it is not clear how they achieved such precision on great distances. One hypothesis is that at night they lit bonfires on top of of the unusually large mounds and other typical rock sites. They could have been seen from great distances and lines could have been adjusted accordingly.

The fires can be associated with the myth of Prometheus, the hero who taught people how to light a fire. And also with the goddess Bastet, which originally was the personification of fire in the night. There were sanctuarices of this goddess in the mountains Strandzha and Sakar, which may be related to the roots of nestinar fire-mysteries. Bastet was particularly worshiped in Egypt, where she was portrayed with a female body and a cat’s head. It was believed that she was the embodiment of the sun and its eye.

In the outline of the mysterious triangle falls the Madara plateau and the giant mound at its eastern end and also the mound near the village Vojvoda. Among them can be traced distinctive angular and linear correlations. Right on the bisector line starting at the Varna necropolis lies the first capital of Bulgaria – Pliska and also the stacked stone blocks (devtashlari) between Pliska and Zlatna niva. The Madara Plateau relates to a very ancient ritual tradition.

„The very name of Madara can be translated as „The Mother who gives light,“ Smolenov says. The other vertex of the triangle falls in the cult complex Sveshtari. It belongs to the Thracian tribe getae (gets), which Herodotus writes were “the Thracians, who immortalized”.

This idea is the basis of different beliefs which spread in the ancient world. According to prof. Diana Gergova, in the Sveshtari tomb, a particularly sacred place, we find the prototype of all altars. Gets acquired their concept of immortality from their priest Zalmoxis. According to the Greeks he was a pupil of Pythagoras, but according to other scientists the “first mathematician” actually adopted the believes of Zalmoxis. He preached the doctrine of measure and proportions as the basis of cosmic harmony.

All this gives the researchers a reason to believe one of the most ancient civilizations in the world originated in the lands of Bulgaria. Egyptian and Sumerian culture were dated later and part of their achievements are based on mathematical calculations and proportions known in our land at least 1,000 years earlier.
